Istituto Stomatologico Toscano Activities
The Istituto Stomatologico Toscano organizes 1st and 2nd level University Masters, Specialization Courses, Practical Training Courses on patients, Higher Education Courses.
All professionals have a long and qualified experience in organizing and conducting university courses, which guarantees a high quality of teaching.
Topics Covered in the Courses
The didactic program of the advanced training courses in dentistry affects all dental disciplines, with the participation of highly qualified teachers, both Italian and foreign.
All the most interesting topics of modern dentistry are touched on: implantology, oral surgery, periodontology, orthodontics, cosmetic dentistry, legal dentistry, conservative, laser in implantology, oral hygiene, special patient treatment, computer assisted implantology, regenerative and reconstructive dental surgery. and research methodology.
Teaching Method
The teaching methods proposed by IST are different, based on the discipline taught, the topics covered, and the specific needs of the students.
These include: lectures, the most classic of university teaching methods, in which students are taught the theoretical bases, the main concepts and everything that can be learned from a purely theoretical point of view;
practical exercises in the laboratory, where it is possible to practice, test the knowledge acquired, make mistakes in a context protected as the school, and learn to produce prototypes and work on animal models as you would in a practice or laboratory.
Partner on the Institute
The educational activity of the Institute is and was organized in collaboration with Italian and foreign universities and today is based on a collaboration with the Saint Camillus International University of Health and Medical Sciences in Rome.
The didactic offer is very wide and includes practical patient training courses, advanced training courses, specialization courses and I and II level Masters lasting one or more academic years.